Saturday, November 1, 2008


Lleca Teatro is a space created by and for young people who have passed a great deal of their life in painful situations on the street.
Lleca is a slang inversion of the Spanish 'calle' (street).

Through the shared stories and experiences of each one of us, we have decided to organize ourselves in a more functional way - for the good of our society and planet - trying to construct new tools for understanding our role in society and in the world.
We are convinced that theatre is one of the most important tools for the stimulation of our essential needs of communication, creation, and freedom. As such, it is necessary to start seeing theatre as an urgent mechanism in a culture of urgency.

What we want is a sane society, in equity and balance with the world, inclusive and transformative of individual and collective pain.
But what are these individual and collective pains we carry around with us?
Pain at the hand of violence, not only sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, but also the violence of war, of living in a post-war society that tries to deny and forget this war and those who were part of it.
The invasion of consumerism leading to the usurpation of our own culture, to the loss and confusion of personal and collective identity.
The empoverishment and hunger at the hand of discrimination on the labor market - based on age, gender and social class - which translates into the opportunities missing to accomplish a human-scale development.
And, as injustice persists, we are convinced that in Lleca we will work on incentivating social mobilization.

Our mission is to develop critical consciousnesses in order to create propositions that promote change against any type of oppressive or invasive action - as such we appropriate our role of citizens. But above all, we want to deconstruct from our organization relations of subordination by recognizing and strengthening the talents and leaderships of each of us and others - as such promoting a coherent attitude we dream of for our society.

Cultural and artistic expression, which doesn't have to take place within conventional nor established formats, as our greatest tool, is our greatest point of focus.

Theatre is not juist entertaining, it is the instrument through which we can tell stories, denounce, interrogate, share and principally construct elements of collective solutions.

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